Bamboo /Bambuseae/
Bamboo is the world’s largest grass that has both clumping and running varieties. Culms grow from an underground rhizome.
The shoots of edible varieties are boiled and used in stir-fries, curries and pickles. Bamboo seed is eaten in the same way as rice.
Production Requirements
Temperate, subtropics and tropics
Edible varieties for the
B.oldhamii, D.asper, D.brandisii, D.gigantius, D.latiflorus and all the running
Edible parts
Bamboo shoots and seed
Full sun. Prefers moist fertile soil.
Division or cuttings of 20cms, planted horizontally 15cm deep in pots or direct.
Risks and weed potential
Running bamboo is invasive and should only be planted if surrounded by substantial underground barriers or water. Best practice is just to plant clumping bamboo.
Harvesting & Processing
Bamboo shoots are blanched by mounding about 20cm of soil or well-rotted manure over the just-emerging shoots. Blanching keeps the roots tender and sweet. When they emerge through this layer, remove the soil and cut the shoots with a knife at ground level.