Pepino /Solanum Muricatum/
The Pepino is a small sprawling bush that grows up to 1m tall.
It has large yellow fruit splashed with purple with a sweet mild flavor similar to a honeydew melon.
Unripe fruit can be chopped and added to salads and tastes a little like cucumber.
Ripe fruit is added to fruit salads or smoothies. It is tastier if served with a little lime juice.
Production Requirements
Prefers a moist fertile soil.
It will grow in partial shade but is more productive growing in full sun.
It prefers to have some structure to grow up or to hang over from its growing position. This also protects the fruit from rotting and attack from slugs and snails.
Propagate from cuttings.
New plants should be started every few years as it bears less with age.
Edible parts
Risks and weed potential
None known
Harvesting & Processing
Ripe fruit smells sweet and the flesh gives with a gentle squeeze when ripe.