Pigeon Pea /Cajanus Cajan/

Pigeon Pea is a short-lived, erect, woody shrub growing about 3-4m tall with small yellow and red flowers.
Pigeon Pea is hardy and is often grown in the tropics and subtropics for its wide range of uses, including food, medicine and fuel.



The immature green seeds can be cooked and eaten as peas.
Immature pods can be cooked and make a delicious Edamame substitute.
Mature seeds are dried and stored for later use. Used for dhal and soups.
The seed can be sprouted and also used to make tofu or tempeh.
Young Leaves and shoots can be cooked as a vegetable and are at their best in the growing season.

Production Requirements


Pigeon Pea will grow and is productive in a wide range of soils.
It is drought tolerant but prefers a well-drained soil.


Plant from seed in late Spring in-situ or in pots during the wet season.
Plant seed 2-3cm deep in the soil and 1.5m apart.

Edible parts

Seeds and leaves.

Risks and weed potential

None known.

Harvesting & Processing


Harvest seeds for storage when the pods are light brown in dry weather.
If they are left on the plant until the pods turn black they tend to go mouldy and be damaged by insects.



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